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Bicycle use in the Philippines increased in recent years. A new mode of transportation that is low-cost and efficient, which is why it is preferred by most people. Riding a bicycle is also a form of recreational activity, and the researchers also wanted to discover its potential in producing renewable energy. Riding a bike requires the rider to be in constant motion, thus kinetic energy is produced. Kinetic energy is the energy in action, which is produced in high amounts when a bicycle is in use. Piezoelectric material, a material that can harvest mechanical vibrations and convert it into electrical energy, it is incorporated by the researchers to recycle the produced mechanical vibrations from the motion of the bicycle in use.


The PIEZCYCLE piezoelectric generator powers the Arduino-Based Multifunctional Bicycle Signal Lights with Real-Time Clock, Temperature Sensor, Vehicle Detector, and GPS (RTVG) Device. The proponents applied Quantitative Experimental Research, in undertaking the research process. In addition, the proponents conducted evaluations and testing multiple trials to acquire required data needed in the study.


The results from the evaluations from the cycling enthusiasts and electronic experts for further development were collected. The PIEZCYCLE piezoelectric generator gathered a weighted mean of 3.61, 3.14, and 3.58 in terms of functionality, durability, and ease of use respectively, and having a total weighted average mean of 3.44 which are all interpreted as highly acceptable. Therefore, PIEZCYCLE is an effective device in powering the Arduino-based RTVG Device and a reliable device for a new source of renewable energy.

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